Baby food -Issue 1

Having an infant at home? Parents enjoying newly acquired titles as "mom" & "dad" - happy but anxious to feed baby right food. Dont know what to give , what not, how to prepare , Do's and Dont's ??!!! So much confusion out of so many advices from everyone around.... some says dont give banana when baby has cold, some says oh banana doesnt causes cold !
Dont know how to make baby food ? Give rest to your running thoughts and worries. Hold on, there's nothing you cant do. I have collated baby food recipes for you at one place. Now be calm and give your baby the best you can. After all If baby's tummy khush toh Mummy khush !! And full fed baby sleeps well.

1. Whole Wheat Apple Pancakes (10+  months onwards)
2. Suji sheera ( 7+ months onwards)
3. Carrot Bottlegourd Tomato Soup (8+ months onwards) 
